8 Practical Tips for Studying Effectively at Home

Studying from home seems heaven-like.

I mean, who doesn’t love waking up, make coffee and work from the comfort of your house? The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID 19) has put life as we know on hold until further notice. With the banning of public gatherings, students have to study at home, whether they like it or not. This transition is not easy for some students. For others, it’s a dream come true. Well, it is fun and all until you realize, you are achieving too little at home

How do you improve your productivity while still enjoying your time at home?

Here are some tips that can help increase your productivity:

Set study time

Human beings differ. Some people are productive very early in the morning while others are night owls. It is important to understand the time that works best for you and strictly set it as your study time. If you are more productive in the morning, make sure you minimize distractions during that time. Understanding the time that works best for you is important since you can retain more information during that particular time.

Set a workstation

It seems like such a good idea to just sit on your couch, in front of the TV and study.

“I am a grown-up.” You say.

“I can have the TV on and still study.”

Okay, superman. How many times have you done this and ended up studying like for real?

Well, do not lie to yourself. Set up a place with little or no distractions. It could be the kitchen table, a desk in your bedroom or even a study room. Avoid studying in front of the TV or your bed. Keep the designated workstation clean and well-organized.

Deal with the distractions

When it’s time to study, learn to keep your phone away and switch off the television. Having your phone close to you is quite a temptation. You will innocently unlock your phone to check out that text from a friend only to find yourself three hours later on Instagram laughing at funny memes. If there are other people in the house, let them know that you are studying and you need time and silence to concentrate.

If possible, invest in a good headset and listen to music while studying. This will help keep away any noise, providing you with the solitude and peace you need for your studies. Have a good headset will help ensure that if there are kids around, they can continue playing without distracting you. The whole house does not have to tiptoe just because you are studying.

Get enough sleep

One of the genius study hacks is to get enough sleep! Studying at home doesn’t negate the fact that you require enough sleep. Make sure you sleep for at least eight hours a night. This will leave your brain very active and ready to face the study challenges that you will encounter during the day.

Come up with a timetable

A timetable will help you stay focused. Ensure that every single day, you have something you want to achieve. This way, you will be able to measure your progress well. This means that you do not wear yourself down. Set up a timetable that is easy to achieve for you. As you work on your timetable, consult the syllabus and ensure that you rent left behind. You can have three main things you want to achieve in a day and work on them. Achieving them will help you boost confidence in yourself and your ability to study at home.

Take a break

Studying all day long may seem like such a great achievement. However, it can easily lead to burn out. Take regular breaks as you study to avoid burn out. Walk around, play a game, watch something. If you are not on total lockdown, try to jog around the block or do some other form of exercise. This will help refresh your mind and leave you even much more alert.

Set a deadline for studying each day

Make sure every day you have a set time for quitting your studies. This will give you a sense of accomplishment. It is easier to concentrate if I know I will be doing something I love in the next hour or so. Get away from your books and your computer every once in a while. Talk to friends, cook, read something, or even learn how to do something.

Keep in touch with classmates and tutors

It is easier to deviate and forget all about studying if you have nobody to be accountable to. Ask questions when you do not understand certain concepts. Share your struggles and achievements with your fellow students and tutors. This will help you stay encouraged and on course.

It is also important to ensure you do not lose your friends during such a time. Set some time daily to just talk to your friends. Take time to strengthen some bonds, share memes, laugh together, and go out for coffee if possible. Everyone needs friends around.

Be easy on yourself

Studying at home is never easy. There will be days when you will have to say no to a night out. Don’t feel so bad about it. Remember what you are doing is pretty important, there will always be other nights you can go out.

There will be days when your concentration will completely disappear. There will be nights when you will find yourself binge-watching your favorite series. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just be careful to ensure these slips do not become a normal occurrence.

Studying doesn’t have to be boring, or so strenuous. With these tips, you can easily make your study time to be the best time of your day. You do not have to do what everyone else is doing. Find out what works for you and what doesn’t. As you study, take care of yourself, stay safe, eat well, and wash your hands. This does not have to be the worst period of your life, make the best out of it.