How do Geniuses study? 5 study habits from the Genius friends

Geniuses are described so because they have an incredible ability to take in and retain information. They are also seen to come up with new ideas and understand harder things easier than most.
Some study tips and skills have been identified as having being used by and worked for geniuses. These tips can be used by anyone to accelerate the learning of a subject and eventually, get the authority to talk on the said subject.

a) Enjoy Yourself

The one thing most geniuses have in common is a passion for the work they are doing, whether in school or outside. When you are studying or learning anything new, ensure that you enjoy yourself in the process. You don’t have to necessarily adore the subject which you are learning about, but it is recommended that you enjoy learning it. When you enjoy something, you experience flow in your work and you will find that almost everything external is stripped away.

b) Review Notes Regularly

As mentioned, geniuses don’t just have the ability to grasp a concept, they also remember their facts. When you have learned something new, for instance, in a class, it is important that you review your notes within 12 hours of being taught, even if you understood it well in class. This helps with long-term memory of the things you are taught in class. Do this regularly to ensure that you remember your facts well when you are tested.

c) Find a Study Place Free From Distractions

Distractions direct our attention, focus, and concentration from the task at hand. In order to get the most out of each study session, ensure that the place you have chosen to do your work is free from distractions. Furthermore, make a point to study in the same place consistently over a while. When your brain associates a place with work or study, the minute you get to that place, your mind switches to work mode. This saves you any time you may need to adjust your brain to study/work mode and reduces the likeliness of you procrastinating when you are there.

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d) Music and Studying

The use of music while studying is something that varies among people. Some people cannot stand any noise when they are trying to focus their brains, while others need background noise. If you are the type of person who cannot stand any noise, get yourself earplugs in order to ensure that whenever you want to study, you can be assured of total silence. On the other hand, if you are the type of person who prefers music on, avoid vocals as they can be distracting. Instead, go for instrumentals, acoustic or electronic beats that enhance concentration.

Get a Grip on Procrastination

Geniuses don’t procrastinate; otherwise, they would be like me and you. To learn like a genius, you need to reduce how much you procrastinate in order to get more productive and to get more done within a short period of time. To do this, prevent yourself from burning out when studying, take breaks and set small goals. Procrastination usually comes about from fear; fear that the work to be done is too much or that the time block is too long.

So, set yourself small goals to be done within a small period of time. For instance, you can tell yourself that you have to do only the two introductory paragraphs of an essay over 35 minutes, after which you will take a 5-minute break. Chances are, you will procrastinate less as a result.
Using the tips above, you will be well on your way to studying like a genius, and who knows, you just might be the next Elon Musk.

If you need any help with an assignment you have, you can get your resident Genius Friends to work on it and deliver it to you before your deadline is up.